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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 41922

ASHEN = ['eşın] adjective
1 kül renginde
2 küllü

Ashen-faced: Having a pale or grayish complexion, often due to shock, fear, or illness.
Ashen hair: Gray or white hair, often associated with aging.
Ashen lips: Lips that appear pale or blanched, typically due to illness or cold.
Ashen complexion: A pale or grayish appearance of the skin.
Ashen soil: Soil that is rich in minerals and nutrients, suitable for plant growth.
Ashen remains: The residue left after the combustion of organic matter, such as wood or paper.
Ashen ground: Land covered with ashes or gray dust, often resulting from a volcanic eruption.
Ashen residue: The leftover material after burning something, usually containing carbon and minerals.
Ashen dust: Fine particles of ash or dust in the air.
Ashen sky: The sky covered with clouds or smoke that make it appear gray or ashen.
Ashen cloud: A cloud of ash and smoke, typically associated with volcanic eruptions.
Ashen face: A person's facial expression that is pale and ashen due to shock, fright, or illness.
Ashen fingers: Fingers that have become pale or blanched due to cold or poor circulation.
Ashen lips: Lips that have lost their natural color and appear pale or gray.
Ashen mist: A fog or mist that appears gray or ashen in color.
Ashen moon: A moon that appears pale or gray in the night sky.
Ashen pallor: An unhealthy and grayish complexion.
Ashen silence: A quietness that seems heavy and sorrowful, often associated with mourning.
Ashen wall: A wall covered with a layer of ash or soot.
Ashen wound: A wound that appears grayish or discolored, typically due to infection.
Ashen cinders: Burned remnants that have turned into ash.
Ashen wood: Wood that has been charred and turned into ash through burning.
Ashen face: A person's facial expression that is pale and gray due to shock, fear, or illness.
Ashen feathers: Feathers that have lost their natural color and appear pale or gray.
Ashen grave: A burial site covered with ashes or gray soil.
Ashen haze: A cloud of fine particles in the air that makes it appear hazy and gray.
Ashen landscape: A desolate and gray environment, often devoid of life.
Ashen morning: A morning with a gray or overcast sky.
Ashen river: A river with a grayish or polluted appearance.
Ashen scent: A faint, ashy odor in the air.
Ashen specter: A ghostly or pale figure, often associated with the supernatural.
Ashen stream: A watercourse with grayish or muddy water.
Ashen woodwork: Wooden structures or furniture that have been blackened by fire or turned to ash.
Ashen eyebrows: Eyebrows that have lost their natural color and appear pale or gray.
Ashen manuscript: A manuscript or document that has aged and become gray or brittle.
Ashen road: A road covered with ashes or dust.
Ashen walls: Walls of a building that have been darkened by smoke or soot.
Ashen breeze: A cool, grayish wind that carries ash particles in the air.
Ashen future: A bleak or grim outlook for the future.
Ashen hearth: A fireplace or hearth covered with ash and remnants of burned fuel.
Ashen legacy: An inheritance or heritage marked by tragedy or disaster.
Ashen mountain: A mountain covered with ash or volcanic debris.
Ashen outlook: A pessimistic or gloomy perspective on a situation.
Ashen riverbed: The dry and gray channel of a river that has run dry.
Ashen ruins: The remains of a structure destroyed by fire or natural disaster.
Ashen smoke: Smoke that is gray or ashy in color, often from a smoldering fire.
Ashen specters: Multiple pale or ghostly figures.
Ashen twilight: The period of dusk when the sky appears grayish or ashen.
Ashen wasteland: A barren and desolate area devoid of life and covered in ash.
Ashen bonfire: A fire that has been reduced to smoldering embers and ash.
Ashen cellar: A basement or underground storage area with a layer of ash.
Ashen complexion: A person's overall skin tone, which is pale or grayish in appearance.
Ashen driftwood: Pieces of wood washed up on the shore that have turned gray from exposure to the elements.
Ashen embers: The glowing and dying remains of a fire, covered in ash.
Ashen footsteps: Footprints or tracks on the ground made visible by their ash-covered surroundings.
Ashen home: A residence that has been partially or fully destroyed by fire, leaving a layer of ash.
Ashen horizon: The distant view, often appearing gray or hazy.
Ashen labyrinth: A complex and confusing situation with a disheartening outcome.
Ashen path: A trail or route covered with ashes or gray dust.
Ashen portrait: A painting or image that has aged and become discolored.
Ashen sands: Sandy terrain with a layer of ash or dust.
Ashen scars: Wounds or injuries that have healed but left a discolored mark.
Ashen wastelands: Desolate areas characterized by a gray, lifeless landscape.
Ashen bridge: A bridge that has been partially destroyed, leaving an ashy residue.
Ashen footsteps: Footprints left behind on ash-covered ground.
Ashen horizon: The distant view, appearing gray or unclear.
Ashen labyrinth: A complex and confusing situation with an uncertain outcome.
Ashen path: A trail or road covered with ashes or gray soil.
Ashen portrait: A painting or image that has aged and lost its original colors.
Ashen sands: Sandy terrain covered in a layer of ash or dust.
Ashen scars: Permanent marks or discolored areas on the skin caused by injuries.
Ashen wastelands: Desolate regions with a gray, lifeless landscape.
Ashen bridge: A bridge that has been partially destroyed, leaving behind ash and debris.
Ashen legacy: A heritage marked by tragedy or unfortunate events.
Ashen meadow: A field or open area covered in grayish vegetation.
Ashen oak: A type of oak tree known for its grayish bark and leaves.
Ashen palm: The palm of the hand with a pale or grayish appearance.
Ashen prey: Animals or creatures that have been affected by volcanic ash.
Ashen relics: Historical artifacts or objects that have been preserved but have lost their original colors.
Ashen stones: Rocks or stones with a grayish or ashy texture.
Ashen totem: A ceremonial or sacred pole with grayish carvings.
Ashen veins: Blood vessels that appear prominent due to pale or gray skin.
Ashen wreath: A funeral wreath made of gray or white flowers.
Ashen zephyr: A gentle, grayish wind that carries ash particles in the air.
Ashen visage: The face or expression of a person, which appears pale or gray.
Ashen alleys: Narrow passageways or streets covered in ash.
Ashen bolts: Fasteners or screws that have become discolored or corroded.
Ashen canvas: A canvas or painting surface that has been aged and discolored.
Ashen garments: Clothing items that have turned gray or faded.
Ashen ivy: A climbing plant with grayish leaves.
Ashen laurels: Wreaths made of gray or silver leaves, often associated with honor.
Ashen melodies: Melodic tunes or songs that evoke a sense of melancholy.
Ashen moss: Moss or plant growth that appears gray or discolored.
Ashen night: A night with a dark and grayish sky.
Ashen obsidian: A type of volcanic glass with a grayish or ashy appearance.
Ashen plateau: A high, flat area covered in volcanic ash.
Ashen wasteland: A barren area with a gray, lifeless landscape.

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