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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 49182

ad / noun – ecclesiastical 2

Ampulla of Vater: A dilated portion of the bile duct where it meets the pancreatic duct, draining bile and pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine.
Ampulla of the Eustachian tube: The widened portion of the auditory tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx.
Ampulla of vas deferens: The expanded terminal part of the vas deferens, which serves as a storage area for sperm before ejaculation.
Ampulla of the fallopian tube: The wide, funnel-shaped part of the fallopian tube where fertilization of an egg by sperm typically occurs.
Ampulla (sense organ): A flask-like structure found in certain sensory organs, particularly in the olfactory system and the lateral line system of aquatic vertebrates.
Ampulla (embryology): A structure in the early development of an embryo that serves as a cavity or a dilated end of a duct.
Ampulla (zoology): A pouch or sac-like structure found in various animals, often associated with reproductive or excretory functions.
Ampulla (botany): A bulbous or flask-like part of a plant structure, such as the ampullaceous base of certain leaves.
Ampulla (anatomy): A dilated or expanded part of a tubular structure in the body, such as blood vessels or ducts.
Ampulla (sensory hair cell): A specialized structure found in the inner ear, involved in the detection of sound waves and balance.
Ampulla (chemistry): A small glass flask with a narrow neck, used in laboratory settings for various purposes such as storing liquids or performing reactions.
Ampulla (liturgical vessel): A small vessel used in religious ceremonies, especially in Christian traditions, to hold sacred oils or liquids.
Ampulla (neuroscience): A region of the nervous system or a type of neuron associated with the transmission or processing of signals.
Ampulla (fluid dynamics): A region in a fluid flow where the velocity decreases and pressure increases, often related to fluid dynamics studies.
Ampulla (arthropod anatomy): A specialized structure found in certain arthropods, such as spiders or crustaceans, serving various functions like reproduction or excretion.
Ampulla (geology): A geological formation or structure, often related to fluid reservoirs or sedimentary deposits.
Ampulla (metabolism): A metabolic compartment or pathway within cells where specific biochemical reactions occur, such as in lipid metabolism.
Ampulla (physics): A term used in specific branches of physics to describe certain phenomena or structures, such as in fluid mechanics or optics.
Ampulla (endocrinology): A glandular structure or hormone-producing region in the endocrine system, involved in regulating various physiological processes.
Ampulla (art): A decorative or symbolic representation in art and architecture, often found in historical or religious contexts, with specific meanings or interpretations.

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